dragon ball fighterz trunks

Latest Dragon Ball FighterZ Video Breaks Down Trunks’ Moveset

Popular fighting game community YouTuber Maximilian Dood has created a video for Bandai Namco on the upcoming fighter Dragon Ball FighterZ. This video goes over Trunks’ moveset and combo potential in great detail, so it’s a must watch for any hardcore fighting game fan. We’re not sure if Namco Bandai and Maximilian will make more videos for fighter breakdowns in the future, but we can only hope that they will.

The video has not been uploaded to YouTube (yet), but you can watch the video via Namco Bandai’s Twitter page:

If you’re itching for more Dragon Ball FighterZ information, make sure to check our E3 preview for the game:

When news came out that Arc System Works was developing a Dragon Ball Z fighting game, a lot of fans mentioned that it was a dream collaboration. It’s easy to see why as the BlazBlue and Guilty Gear developer is a master of creating fast-paced, highly stylized fighting games. However, this isn’t actually the first time that Arc System Works has gotten their hands on the popular anime and manga franchise. Previously, the studio has made several DBZ fighting games, but they were all middling affairs that exclusively released on handheld devices.

Their first console Dragon Ball game is much more promising, as I walked away very impressed after playing several competitive matches. The biggest change from Arc System Works’ previous games is that Dragon Ball FighterZ features three-on-three battles. This means that a match only ends once an entire team has been knocked out by their opponent.

Dragon Ball FighterZ will release in early 2018 on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

[Source: Twitter]


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