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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Beta Reveals Return of Loot Boxes, Activision Has Yet to Provide Details

The Call of Duty: Modern Warfare beta has revealed that the series’ controversial loot box system, called Supply Drops, will return in the upcoming title.

The discovery was posted on Twitter by user NerosCinema, who found “Common Supply Drops” mentioned under a “loot box” subheading in an After Action Report when they hit level six.

While this doesn’t come as a surprise to anyone, fans are concerned about Supply Drops’ implementation in Modern Warfare, especially considering how they’ve been implemented in recent games.

In WWII and Black Ops 4, loot boxes contained items like guns and characters, which upset players. Add to that the grind required in the past to unlock the items, and you have players already concerned that Modern Warfare will be marred by the Supply Drops.

At the moment, we don’t know how Infinity Ward plans to implement the loot box system in its upcoming title so it’s too early to jump to conclusions but here’s hoping some lessons have been learned from the past.

Several publications have reached out to Activision since NerosCinema’s discovery but have yet to receive a response. However, we’ll get this information in due course and will keep our readers posted.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will release on October 25, 2019 for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

[Source: Polygon, IGN]

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