kojima productions films

Kojima Productions Will Develop Films in the Future, According to Kojima

In the lead up to Death Stranding’s release later in the week, BBC Newsbeat has unleashed a mini documentary of sorts. Titled Death Stranding: Inside Kojima Productions, this 26-minute long production delves into the final days of development, notably those right before the project went gold. Near the documentary’s end, Kojima reveals an interesting tidbit, the studio aims to produce films, as well.

In the BBC Newsbeat documentary, the Creative Director explained, “in the future, Kojima Productions will start making films. If you can do one thing well, then you can do everything well.” Of course, he did not divulge too much more. However, he did discuss the future of gaming and how that will meld with film and other mediums due to streaming. On this matter, Kojima noted the following,

In think within the next few years, gaming will move on to streaming. Movies, dramas, and games will all be streamed. And you’ll enjoy them on your iPad or iPhone or a screen anytime, anywhere. When that happens, games, films, and dramas will have to compete in the same space. I’ve very interested in the new format of game that will appear on there and that’s what I want to take on.

See the full documentary in the video below. The brief talk of Kojima Productions’ future film projects begins at around the 22:25 timestamp:

Anyone who even knows cursory details about Kojima likely knows of his live for film. As such, this news isn’t too surprising. Still, it’s worthy of note, since the studio has already begun work on its next project. Apparently, whatever the new venture will entail revolves around both gaming and film, Kojima recently teased.

Death Stranding will hit the PlayStation 4 later this week on November 8th. It’s expected to launch on PC sometime in the summer of 2020.

[Source: BBC Newsbeat]