superhot vr sales

Superhot VR Achieves New Milestone of Two Million Copies Sold

Superhot VR’s success continues to build. The latest update on this particular front shows the VR title has achieved an impressive sales milestone at two million copies sold. Developer Superhot Team celebrated the news with a “Thank You” video to fans, in addition to an announcement post on the studio’s website.

The video in question is featured below:

Superhot VR crossed the two million mark this month, the post from Superhot Team notes. The message goes on to explain that it all began roughly seven years ago “with a small game jam experiment.” In the time since then, the technology behind virtual reality itself has evolved quite rapidly. An excerpt from the post reads in part,

We’ve seen prototype headsets made from old smartphone parts in a garage. We’ve seen ballooning hype cycles and multi-year troughs of disillusion. We’ve seen $400 standalone headsets surpass $2500 tethered hardware from just a year before. And all along this path, VR has been silently, steadily growing – with more and more of you making the jump from real to virtual each year.

Industry giants such as Sony, HTC, Oculus, and Valve have made VR’s continued growth possible. And who can say what the next few years may have in store? Rumors and speculation suggest Sony could launch an updated PlayStation VR headset in the not too distant future. If the company moves forward with designs featured in patents, the next device may feature wireless capabilities and new motion controllers. As of now, Sony is keeping its future VR plans pretty close to the chest.

As for Superhot Team, the studio remains independent and intends to continue its “video game experiments, prototyping, and core development.” Superhot Team also gives back to the industry through SUPERHOT PRESENTS–a fund for indie games–and its support of IndieBI.

[Source: Superhot Team]