marvels avengers prequel comic

Iron Man Will Become Suspicious of His Teammates in the Marvel’s Avengers Prequel Comic

This December, fans will get to venture into the world of Marvel’s Avengers a little earlier than expected when its prequel comic launches. Marvel’s Avengers: Iron Man #1 will see Tony Stark questioning the loyalties of his fellow Avengers in a narrative that directly leads into the events of the Crystal Dynamics and Square Enix title. At present, it is not known how many issues the prequel comic series will last.

Tony Stark: Iron Man scribe Jim Zub will pen Marvel’s Avengers: Iron Man #1 for Marvel. Providing art for the comic is Paco Diaz, who worked on Mighty Avengers and Marvel’s Avengers: Endgame Prelude. Check out a look at the #1’s cover art by Stonehouse in the following image:

marvels avengers prequel comic

In Marvel’s Avengers: Iron Man #1, Tony learns some of his Stark Industries tech is being use by enemies of the Avengers. Clearly, the evildoers don’t have the best of intentions. As he begins his investigation into how his inventions made it into the wrong hands, Tony begins to ponder whether his fellow Avengers are as trustworthy as he once believed. With the villainous Lethal Legion on the attack, Earth’s Mightiest Heroes can’t afford to be at odds.

Marvel’s solicitation for the upcoming prequel comic bills it as a “landmark moment in comics history” that will explore classic villains in a fresh way. It should be intriguing to see exactly how this plays out, particularly because of the comic’s connection to the game’s 2020 release.

Marvel’s Avengers will launch for the PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One early next year on May 15, 2020. A special edition of the game is planned, and will feature a statue of Captain America designed by Gentle Giant. Unfortunately, for now, details about the edition, including its price and contents, currently remain under wraps.

[Source: Marvel via Comic Book Resources]