Putting the “Style” in PlayStation LifeStyle [UPDATE]

Since this is a newly revamped site, a lot of work is going on behind-the-scenes (new forums, new domain name, new contributors).  New design?  I wanted to give some of you early readers a tip off that we’ll probably be doing some sort of logo contest in the future.  Think of this as a head start for a future contest to have your logo picked or just a way to show off some of your other non-blog-reading talents.  I don’t think I’m particularly good at graphic design, but I’m going to get things started!  Here’s a sample draft I threw together (design look familiar?  haha):

It’s also a good time to chime in with your likes and dislikes of this site’s graphical layout.  I think it’s important to have this site be easy on your eyes – we want you to stick around!

With that said, check out the thread on our forums for everyone to exchange thoughts and (more importantly) post logo designs.  I know you can do better than mine, so below are some more of my drafts…

Web 2.0 design (reflection)

Joke (Google) submission:

PlayStoogle LifeStoogle


Added a few others… be sure to view the original, full-sized images in the contest thread.

UPDATE 2: Official Contest Revealed!

Here is the official contest.   We are offering a few prizes.

First Place gets GOW: Chains of Olympus for PSP

Second Place gets a MS Pro Duo 1GB

Rules: You can enter as many logos as you want. The more logos you enter the better your chance of placing first is.   The contest ends June 11th.

Now get creative guys and lets see some serious logos!

Note: Sev1512 is putting up his personal gaming stash for this contest. So please do a good FN job!!!