Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 PSN Demo is a Major Tease


I was overtaken by excitement. One of my all-time favorite fighting games was coming to the PSN, and this week a demo was being released in the PS Store.  Patiently, I await the PS Store weekly update until it goes live.  The update finally arrives, and I proceed to download.  More patience as I wait for the 198MB demo to downloads and install.

Yay! The Marvel Vs. Capcom demo is finally here…

Oh wait, it’s here only if you have a friend ready to play locally.  Meaning in this demo, there is no single player, no online multiplayer.  The only mode available is local multiplayer, so you have to have a friend with a second PS3 controller ready to go before launching this game, or else you will come away extremely disappointed.  Sadly, disappointment doesn’t represent the game here, as it’s one of the most enjoyable fighters I have come across in my decades of gaming.

Of course I didn’t expect a robust offering, as it’s just a demo.  But eagerly awaiting through a countdown, the announcement, the week wait, the download, and the install, only to fire it up and not even get to play it.  So here I sit, friend-less at the moment, and unable to play the epic Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 Demo.  Luckily, I do have more than one Dualshock 3, so I can pathetically play Vs. against an un-occupied controller.

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