God of War III is Looking Like a Sales Titan

God of War III is probably the biggest and most hyped PS3 exclusives to date. Kratos’ epic will without a doubt be a massive financial boost to Sony in terms of both game and console sales (that is if Sony can get some more stock on retailers shelves). However, will the competition from other blockbuster releases in a month already showered with many great games stop Kratos’ fury on the sales charts? Nope. Competition means nothing to Kratos and in the end, there will only be massive sales.

The success of the two last generation God of War titles inevitably lead to Sony delivering a visually updated version of the beloved classics to PlayStation 3 owners in the form of God of War Collection. Yet there are still others who have waited to purchase a PS3 for Kratos’ installment (you know who you are).

With only one day until the launch, God of War III is doing exceptional in Europe. Amazon UK has Kratos in 1st on their ‘Hot Future Releases‘ and in 1st place on the top pre-order chart of 2010 as well as being the top seller in the overall bestseller category. Amazon France has the special collectors edition and normal edition placed on 1st and 3rd respectively on their best seller list. étonnant (that’s French for amazing).

Rising online retailer ShopTo have the title 1st on their top overall pre-order chart. United Kingdom’s biggest online retailer Play.com sees Sony’s anti-hero gracing 1st with their exclusive God Of War III special edition. GAME, another large retailer lists the exclusive at 1st in their top pre-order chart.

North America’s largest online retailer Amazon US puts God of War III in the coveted first position.

Import veterans Play-Asia has the game down as 1st once again in their top seller list. HMV lists the game as first on their PlayStation 3 best seller list.

God of War III is triumphing in terms of sales everywhere, and you can expect it to be doing so for some time to come. If you want to guarantee your self a copy then why not buy GOW3 right now? God Of War III is on store shelves right now in North America and will be on March 19th for Europe.


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