MGS: Peace Walker Sets Cutscene Record on PSP

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker is without a doubt the biggest title hitting the PSP the first-half of this year.  Peacer Walker will be keeping within the ‘Metal Gear Solid‘ tradition of having an extreme amount of glorious Hideo Kojima directed cut scenes that will keep action and stealth fans alike glued to their seats.

Discovered by the guys over at Examiner, The British Board of Film Classification has stated that Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker will feature a whopping 162 minutes and 34 seconds of cutscenes, which is just 17 minutes shy of clocking in at 3 hours. Since the series is well-known for its entertaining action-filled sequences that sometimes surpass 30 minutes in length, this new addition to the series should be a welcomed addition. To compare to previous Metal Gear titles, MGS3 featured 216 minutes, 34 seconds of cutscenes and MGS4 tops the cake with a staggering 545 minutes and 47 seconds of movies.

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker releases exclusively on the PlayStation Portable on June 8 in the US and June 18 in Europe.



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