Top 20 Upcoming PS3 Exclusives

#20 – #14 | #13 – #6 | #5 – #1

#5 - inFamous 2

Created and developed by Sucker Punch Productions, inFamous 2 is the sequel to their first PlayStation 3 outing. Sticking true to the original’s graphic-novel style, inFamous 2 brings back Cole MacGrath with an all-new skill set, including levitation, similar to Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, and ice powers. Also sporting a melee weapon, inFamous 2 is set to refresh the third-person action adventure formula established by the first.

#4 - Killzone 3

One of the most beloved PlayStation franchises returns in the form of Guerrilla Game’s upcoming shooter, Killzone 3. The evil Helghast are back! An improved melee combat system, sharper controls and the inclusion of some intriguing new features to the series such as jet packs, Killzone 3 is undoubtedly shaping up to be one of 2011’s blockbuster hits. We cannot wait.

#3 Final Fantasy Versus XIII

Final Fantasy Versus XIII is officially part of the Fabula Nova Crystallis Final Fantasy XIII compilation, a trio of Final Fantasy games all set in the same universe. According to the game’s director Tetsuya Nomura, Versus XIII will feature a battle system like that of the Kingdom Hearts franchise more than anything else. While the game was unveiled at E3 in 2006, there has been very little other information given since. But one thing is for sure, it definitely is the best looking Final Fantasy game to date. Expect more to news in the coming months…and years.

#2 - Gran Turismo 5

The Gran Turismo series began on the original PlayStation and has since then sold over 57 million units over six titles. Gran Turismo 5, however, is poised to be the biggest racing simulator yet. Promising over 1,000 vehicles–including NASCAR, WRC, Super GT, and go-karts–stereoscopic 3D support, PlayStation Eye head tracking, and more, Gran Turismo 5 is not only set to be the biggest racing title in history but quite possibly the most grandiose PS3 title thus far.

#1 - The Last Guardian

Fumito Ueda and his Team ICO studio have always delivered in quality rather than quantity. They’re best known for just two titles: ICO and Shadow of the Colossus on the PlayStation 2. If you’re familiar with those titles, then you know what The Last Guardian is so special. If you missed out on those one-of-a-kind gems, then you’re in luck, as Sony is answering the clamoring fans by re-releasing and remastering both titles on the PS3, in full HD and even 3D. The atmosphere in The Last Guardian is second-to-none, the lighting, the animation, the textures; everything is stunningly beautiful and lifelike. Though not much is known about the plot, the veil of mystery surrounding the game, the gameplay and what type of interaction we can expect just adds to the ferocity of our excitement. When The Last Guardian finally releases, there will be no other game like it.

#20 – #14 | #13 – #6 | #5 – #1


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