Major Revamp Rumored for PlayStation Store

The PlayStation Store might be hitting up a beauty salon in the near future for what sources are saying is a major makeover. According to website Reg Hardware, the change will move the PSN towards a more image based layout, something like Steam or Xbox Live.

In revamping the store, Sony is apparently trying to clean up the clutter using “an aesthetic layout with logically marked sections and rolodex lists”. With this clean up will come a new live search method to replace the current text-entry form, which you must open in a separate page.

Movie and game sections in the store will also be reworked to look like new. There will supposedly be an IMDB-like database which will highlight key details of each game or movie and allow users to easily navigate to other titles by the same director, actor, game developer or publisher.

It is said that Sony will also bring a ‘deals of the week’ section to make sales easier to find and the store’s background will get a new coat of paint, opting for brighter colors on a black background.

The report also claims that the redesign is going through testing internally. If true, does this sound like something you would like to see Sony do with the PlayStation Store?
