Top 23 PS4 Games to Look Forward to in 2015

With 2015 slowly settling in, that means the usual deluge of games is almost upon us. Contrary to years past, not every “big” game is set to hit during the holiday season. Now, publishers have wisely learned to space out their top guns throughout the entire calendar year for maximum exposure and sales.

This is where we come in. Not sure on what PlayStation 4 game to keep an eye out for this year? We got you covered. In the video above, we list down every blockbuster game that we know of that’s said to be out in 2015. We also throw in a couple of indies that are set to compete with the big boys. Of course, there is the off chance that some of these games might get pushed back, so bear that in mind before plunking down your cash to pre-order.

Did we miss any big game? What title are you looking forward to the most this year? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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