IO Interactive: Hitman’s Story “Will Probably Feel Episodic”

Even though IO Interactive already explained that Hitman‘s regularly released addition content will not cost extra money, the company recently did a Q&A where it talked more about the plan for additional content, and said that the upcoming title will feel a bit similar to ‘episodic’ games.

Io Interactive explained that while the “story will probably feel episodic,” seeing as “it’s delivered in chunks over time,” the company is not planning on selling “individual content drops for individual prices” at any time. It also mentioned that there will be plenty to do in Hitman besides the story, such as live events.

We think the word ‘episodic’ sets up the expectation that we will sell individual content drops for individual prices but that’s not something we’re planning to do.

That said, there are some episodic elements to the story in the sense that it’s delivered in chunks over time, so experiencing the story will probably feel episodic. But there is also a ton of other content including live events, which have nothing to do with the story. We’ll also be improving and changing the game constantly whilst you’re playing it.

Hitman will release on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC on December 8 digitally, with a physical version coming out sometime in 2016.

[Source: Hitman via GameSpot]


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