Streamline Studios

Square Enix Brings in Streamline Studios to Co-Develop Final Fantasy XV

Kuala Lampur-based developer Streamline Studios is helping Square Enix develop Final Fantasy XV.

Square Enix brought in the studio for its global production platform, Streamframe, and its vast experience in collaborating with triple-A projects. Streamline has collaborated with over 200 video game projects, including Street Fighter VBioShock Infinite, Star Citizen, Gears of War, and Pillars of Eternity

Streamline CEO, Alexander L. Fernandez, gave the following statement in a press release:

Our team are big fans of Square Enix and their games, and we’re honored to have worked with them on the upcoming release of such a cherished series as Final Fantasy. We look forward to applying our years of production experience and state-of-the-art technology, Streamframe to this new collaboration.

No word on exactly what they will be providing to the table, other than their Streamframe platform, but in the past, they have helped studios with animation testing, character and level coordination, day-one patch support, DLC, debugging, and building in-engine prototypes.

Final Fantasy XV is set to release on September 30, 2016 for PlayStation 4.

[Sources: Streamline Studios,]