Top 5 Things to Do in Titanfall 2 Multiplayer

While the first Titanfall didn’t see release on PlayStation platforms, Respawn and EA are making amends with the release of Titanfall 2. Just why was the first Titanfall successful and what made it stand out from other shooters? That and more is showcased in this week’s Top 5 Tuesday video!

Not only is there now a single-player mode in the sequel, but as one can expect, there’s a lot more of everything. However, we’re only featuring Titanfall 2’s multiplayer in the video above. And let’s face it, that’s what the majority will be playing anyway — especially with the upcoming open technical test this coming weekend. So just what sort of shootbang action can you expect in Titanfall 2’s multiplayer that you can’t experience in any other game? Watch and find out.

Don’t forget to check out our in-depth Titanfall 2 multiplayer coverage hitting the site today and an interview set to hit the site soon.

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