Gravity Rush 2 – Everything You Need to Know

Few titles understood the PlayStation Vita quite like Gravity Rush. Japan Studio’s mind-bending adventure game was released at a time when players were still getting to grips with Sony’s flagship handheld — the gyroscope, the accelerometer, that damned rear touchpad — but by embracing said quirks, Gravity Rush became an early showcase of Vita’s capabilities, and it’s fair to say that the PlayStation faithful quickly took a shine to Kat and her astral feline, Dusty.

Sony wasted no time in announcing a sequel, but it was only after the PS4 launch of Gravity Rush Remastered that the platform-holder confirmed Gravity Rush 2 to be real. There is one small caveat to the follow-up: Kat and Dusty have officially left PS Vita behind in favor of the PlayStation 4.

Creating Gravity Rush 2 solely for PS4 allowed for a bigger and more ambitious title, it seems, and Sony’s own Shuhei Yoshida believes fans will understand exactly why Japan Studio skipped PS Vita come release. And so, in anticipation of its PS4 launch on January 20 (January 18 for those in Europe), we’ve scoured the four corners of the Internet — and the PSLS archives — to compile Everything You Need to Know about Gravity Rush 2.

Gravity Rush 2 makes a beeline for PS4 and PS4 only on January 18 and January 20 for Europe and North America, respectively. Tell us, are you excited for Kat’s sophomore outing?

Essential Reading: