Sony Rewarding Horizon Zero Dawn Platinum Trophy Owners With Avatar

Horizon Zero Dawn has been one of the best exclusives to hit the PlayStation 4 this year and is one of Sony’s best first-party titles thus far. And like previous first-party titles, Sony is rewarding players who have gotten the Platinum Trophy for Horizon Zero Dawn with a special gift.

According to site GearNuke, players who get the Platinum Trophy for Horizon Zero Dawn and are also subscribed to the PlayStation Newsletter from Sony, may get an exclusive avatar for their PSN profile. Being subscribed to the newsletter is important because it is where Sony congratulates the user for achieving a Platinum and provides the code for the exclusive avatar.


This is actually the second gift Sony has sent out to Horizon Zero Dawn Platinum Trophy holders as the company has previously sent out an exclusive PS4 theme as well.

It must be noted though that receiving both the theme and avatar aren’t guaranteed as some Platinum Trophy holders have received the congratulatory message from the newsletter but with no theme or avatar code included while some have yet to receive an e-mail at all. This was also the case with some of Sony’s previous first-party titles such as Bloodborne and Uncharted 4.

[Source: Reddit via GearNuke]

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