Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection's MGS 2 and 3 Support 720p

Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection’s MGS 2 and 3 Support 720p

Konami has said that Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol.1‘s MGS 2 and 3 will support 720p because they are ports of the PS3’s HD Collection. MGS 1 will also stick to the original PS1 resolution.

Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection preserves the original vision

Confirmation of Master Collection’s resolution comes via Nintendo Life, who attended a recent preview event. The publication also separately sought a statement from Konami and was told that the developer “used the HD Collection versions of both MGS2 and MGS3 for porting – so the resolution (720p) and performance will match that of the 2012 HD Collection.”

Apparently, menus for both MGS 2 and 3 have a visible “HD Edition” plastered on them alongside “© 2012 Konami.”

Konami told GamesRadar during the same event that it’s preserving the “original vision” and making no changes to content either. As a result, the games come with a warning that their themes and expressions may be “outdated.” “These elements have been included without alteration to preserve the historical context in which the game was made and the creator’s original vision. Player discretion is advised,” the warning reads.

In related news, Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection is also headed to PS4 but a release date has not been announced.