PS Plus Will Be Impacted by Controversial New Cost for Unity Game Installs

PS Plus Will Be Impacted by Controversial New Cost for Unity Game Installs

A controversial new pricing plan for games developed with the Unity engine is likely to significantly impact subscription services like PS Plus and Xbox Game Pass. For the uninitiated, Unity has announced that it will begin charging developers a fee for each game install beyond a certain threshold, impacting popular games developed with the engine including the likes of Among Us and Hollow Knight.

How will Unity’s new pricing plan impact PS Plus and Game Pass?

Games that land on subscription services like PS Plus and Game Pass often attract millions of players. Each time a Unity game is installed on a console, Unity will want a slice of the pie. Since developers strike one-off deals for their games to be included in the subscription catalogs, it is Sony and Microsoft that will have to fork up the cash.

Over on Reddit, users have started compiling a list of popular games developed with Unity engine that are part of the PS Plus catalogs, and quick math tells us that the cost of offering these games to players are going to skyrocket.

Unity — which is headed by a deeply unpopular CEO in John Riccitiello (formerly of Electronic Arts) — continues to defend the move despite intense backlash from developers.