Resident Evil 5 Demo Now Available in All Territories

Written by Anthony sev1512-48


For those of you who are interested, the Biohazard 5 (Resident Evil 5) demo is now available in the Japanese PS Store.  The download is 942MB and features 2 levels, single player, and co-op.

I can confirm that this is the same demo build that is on the Japanese “Special White” demo disc, which is not good news, as I wasn’t impressed with the graphical quality.  I was hoping the PSN counterpart would be a better, and newer build, as The Horror Is Alive reported that the Xbox 360 demo was much more impressive, and a few builds ahead of the PS3 version.  Having not played the Xbox 360 version myself, I cannot comment.

Japanese Exclusive 'Special Red and White' Demo Discs
Japan Exclusive 'Special Red and White' Demo Discs

Resident Evil is a long time favorite of mine, and a genre defining series, so make sure to check out the long awaited demo.  Lets just hope that the retail version is much more polished come March 13.

We expect the Resident Evil 5 Demo to be released in US, and EU territories some time tomorrow.


Demo is now available across all territories.