PS4 20th Anniversary Console Sells Out at £19.94, More Going on Sale Next Week in the UK for £399

After they sold out in the United States almost immediately (and are being sold on eBay for crazy prices) and sold out at a retailer in the UK yesterday for just £19.94, the 20th Anniversary PlayStation 4 console is due to be sold online in the UK next week for the regular price of £399.

According to PlayStation UK Managing Director Fergal Gara, about 80% of the 20th Anniversary PS4 stock given to the UK will be sold online next week. With roughly 200 units being sold at the PlayStation ’94 Shop – which Gara says is “the thin end of the volume” – this means about 800 will be available online.

Asked about whether Sony might make more 20th Anniversary PS4’s after the 12,300 sell out, Gara said there’s no plans:

The volume is a close match with the original production run on PlayStation, so it’s got a nice heritage story. They’re very rare and they’re very special. If you put it into mass production you dilute that. So right now, that’s it. I’m not aware of any plans to change that.

For those of you in Canada, PlayStation Canada said the 20th Anniversary PS4 will go on sale at some point this week through the Sony Store.

Have you been lucky enough to snag one of these special PS4s?

[Source: Eurogamer]