Sony Santa Monica Talks About Atreus’ Role in God of War

God of War PS4 (5)

In a sponsored post on Gamasutra, Sony Santa Monica Engineering Lead Jeet Shroff further detailed how important Kratos’ son, Atreus, will be in God of War.

After explaining that Atreus gives Kratos the motivation he needs to change, Shroff added:

In turn, Atreus aids his father in many ways throughout the journey. To reinforce this theme, we didn’t shy away from limiting their relationship to just the narrative. In gameplay, Atreus plays a key role in autonomously aiding and complementing Kratos while navigating through this foreign land as well as being an extension to his arsenal in combat.

In addition, the player can use a face button to have Atreus translate runes, solve puzzles, and use his full depth in battle from dividing the field to tag teaming and following up on enemies. Whether the player uses the son strategically or to enhance combos, there are lots of interesting aspects of gameplay that we’ve been striving for with Atreus.

As we learned earlier this month, the Square button is for Atreus and, during combat, you can press that button to have him jump on an enemy’s back and start shooting arrows.

Elsewhere in the post, Dori Arazi, Director of Photography, revealed that the no-cut camera in God of War has the same sensitivity of a documentary camera:

We spent a lot of time tweaking the virtual mo-cap equipment to figure out how to get the right controls on the camera, operate it for a significant amount of time while doing this in real-time and not shooting the camera in post. Our team also did an amazing job in creating a gameplay camera that the player can control that has the same sensitivity and sensibility of a documentary camera.

God of War releases in early 2018 for PlayStation 4. Last week, Director Cory Barlog posted a picture of a cup of coffee and Kratos’ axe and said, “Tools for surviving playtesting day 3. Excited about progress of the game but dear gods so much work to do.”

[Source: Gamasutra, Cory Barlog]


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