Spider Man PS4 Update

Spider-Man Dev Reveals Easter Egg That Players Overlooked

Insomniac Games’ take on Marvel’s Spider-Man was full of interesting Easter Eggs that we enjoyed discovering. From the funny “boat people” to a failed “marriage proposal,” there was plenty for players to hunt. However, there’s one Easter Egg that no one noticed, prompting Senior Programmer Elan Ruskin to reveal it on Twitter (just in time for Easter!)

For the non-religious folks, many Jews observe the Sabbath every week, which starts around sunset on Friday and ends around sunset on Saturday. During this time, they may choose to rest from work. Those who boot up Marvel’s Spider-Man on Saturday will not encounter these non-playable characters!

It’s a well-hidden but pretty cool Easter Egg that goes to show the level of detail the developer added to its hit title.

Speaking of Marvel’s Spider-Man and Easter Eggs, Insomniac Games itself discovered an Easter Egg in The Division 2 which pays homage to its game. The Easter Egg in question shows one of Peter Parker’s backpacks stuck on a wall!

For those who haven’t played Marvel’s Spider-Man, backpacks like the one shown above are collectible items in the game, which count towards 100% completion and the game’s Platinum trophy.

Which Easter Eggs did our readers enjoy discovering the most?

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