resident evil 3 developer

Report: Ex-PlatinumGames CEO is Working on Resident Evil 3 at Recently Formed Capcom Studio

Earlier this week, during Sony’s State of Play, Capcom finally unveiled its long-rumored Resident Evil 3 remake. The title will hit stores early next year, thus raising questions about its development. While one report suggests production began roughly three years ago, another now alleges former PlatinumGames CEO Tatsuya Minami has been contributing to the project for more than a year. Reportedly, Minami’s work on RE3 is taking place at M-TWO Inc., a new studio near Capcom HQ in Osaka, Japan.

According to Video Game Chronicle sources, M-TWO Inc.’s operations started more than a year ago. Developers from both Capcom and Platinum have joined the team since then. Apart from VGC’s sources, the only detail giving credence to this claim is Resident Evil 3’s announcement trailer. Near the trailer’s end, around the 2:49 mark, a small M-TWO Inc. logo sits to the left of Capcom’s emblem. For now, though, information on how much M-TWO is contributing to the remake remains publicly unknown.

Minami exited his CEO role at PlatinumGames in 2016. In 2017, with financial backing from Capcom, Minami founded M-TWO. However, VGC reports the team remains an independent entity that is also developing games of its own.

Interestingly, Minami was not originally meant to be M-Two’s sole founder. Allegedly, Resident Evil creator Shinji Mikami was to represent the second ‘M’ in the M-TWO name. Instead of teaming with Minami, Mikami chose to maintain his role at Bethesda’s Tango Gameworks, the development studio responsible for The Evil Within series.

Of course, working with Capcom, and on Resident Evil, is familiar territory for Tatsuya Minami. He joined the publisher in 1987, serving as producer on a variety of titles, including a few in the RE franchise, until 2006. After exiting, the industry veteran went on to establish the studio that would eventually evolve into PlatinumGames.

[Source: Video Game Chronicle]