unsung story tale of the guardians soundtrack

Hitoshi Sakimoto’s Unsung Story Soundtrack is Finished, and You can Listen to a Sample

Kickstarter campaigns rarely end smoothly, especially when it comes to videogames. Such is the case for Unsung Story, which has had a bumpy ride to say the least, despite the legendary talent behind it. Despite the years of troubles, developer Little Orbit announced a huge progress milestone, revealing the soundtrack from composer Hitoshi Sakimoto has been completed.

This announcement was made via the Unsung Story Kickstarter page, as an exciting way to ring in the new year. The soundtrack, which comprises 26 tracks, was recorded and mastered in December, at Sakimoto’s own Basiscape production studio in Tokyo, Japan. To celebrate the news, Little Orbit released a small preview of the main theme for Unsung Story on the company’s SoundCloud page.

Unsung Story: Tale of the Guardians first appeared on Kickstarter in 2014. It was part of a two-project series introduced by Playdek, a developer best known for making digital versions of board and card games. Pitched as a spiritual successor to the style of Final Fantasy Tactics and Final Fantasy XII, the game has notable talent behind it, including Yasumi Matsuno, Akihiko Yoshida, and of course the subject of today’s story, Hitoshi Sakimoto. Renowned localization experts Alexander O. Smith and Joseph Reeder have also been involved.

The Kickstarter campaign squeezed in its funding goal at the last minute, but Playdek later revealed that initial goal was not enough, and halted development in 2016. Little Orbit would later pick up the project (and assume responsibility for Kickstarter backer rewards) in 2017, essentially starting the project over from scratch.

Currently, Unsung Story: Tale of the Guardians is slated for release in 2019, for various platforms including the PlayStation 4.

[Source: Kickstarter]