Donut County PS4

Best PS5 Games to Play on 420

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How time flies when you’re high. It’s almost 4/20 again, and if you’re expecting to celebrate the occasion appropriately, then you have to have some appropriate entertainment, right? So we’ve collected some of the best PS5 games to play on 4/20, whether you’re getting stoned alone or high with your guy.

What are the best PS5 games to play on 420?

For this list, we’ve selected a variety of games playable on PS5 that will complement your mellow mood. Much of gaming focuses on blood and violence, so that’d be an easy pool to draw from. Instead, we’ve gone with an emphasis on comedy, experience, and relaxation

Gang Beasts

Gang Beasts - Gameplay Trailer | PS4

Maybe you prefer getting stoned in a group and want something for everyone to play. Something that gives you chaos and lengthy laughing fits. 

Gang Beasts fits the bill. There’s nothing quite like slapping your pals into ragdoll oblivion. It’s not an easy game to get into, but quite honestly, not being sure of the controls just makes it even funnier when you accidentally launch yourself into your pals and headbutt them off a tall building.

Stardew Valley 

Stardew Valley - Gameplay Trailer | PS4

Sweet, blissful routine. Stardew Valley offers a tranquil experience as a farmer in a quaint little town. Go fishing, foraging, chat with locals, and constantly say, ‘’What a crop!’’ to yourself when you see the literal fruits of your labor.

Tetris Effect 

Tetris Effect - Launch Trailer | PS4

Tetris Effect is such a sorely underappreciated game. Sure it’s just Tetris fused with vibrant imagery and a fantastic soundtrack, but have you also considered that Tetris is a perfect game and Tetris Effect is made by the minds behind trippy PS2 shooter Rez?

You don’t even have to be high to appreciate how beautifully hypnotic Tetris Effect is, but if ever there was a game to be enhanced by some recreational puffery, then this is number one.

Donut County

Donut County – Full of Holes Trailer - Release Date Announce | PS4

Donut County’s surreal and easygoing puzzling is a compelling prospect because, in keeping with post-smoking habits, it only asks one question, ‘’How much can you fit in that hole?’’

And much like you after polishing off that last bag of snacks, the answer is, ‘’quite a lot, actually.’’. Donut County sees a hole grow in size so that it goes from gobbling up pebbles to entire buildings. It’s like the inverse of Katamari Damacy (which would be just as good to go on this list, to be fair) and is just as wonderfully daft and hypnotic.

Powerwash Simulator 

PowerWash Simulator - Launch Trailer | PS5 & PS4 Games

The runaway success of Powerwash Simulator might be surprising, but when you play it, you get it. There’s something superbly chilled out about cleaning grime and much from homes, gardens, and licensed property.

So smoke what you have, turn up your favorite tunes, and blast the dirt off a garden table without getting even a bit wet.

theHunter: Call of the Wild 

theHunter: Call of the Wild - Teaser Trailer | PS4

The Call of the Wild games are strange ones for me because while I’m not too fussed about hunting or fishing, they make for exquisite walking simulators full of nature. You can play theHunter as a straight-up nature photography game, and getting a good shot on camera is such a serene challenge I can lose hours just tracking one damn Elk across a beautifully detailed reserve.

So yeah, a surprisingly good game to get baked with.

Death Stranding


Talking of taking nice walks (well, relatively speaking), Death Stranding is a king among ‘’walking simulators’’. Sue, there are sometimes the spirits of the dead to contend with, but you can’t tell me it isn’t transcendent to be high as you see a new horizon after a long trek to post some picture frames.

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