Detroit: Become Human Release Date Info Might Finally Be Revealed During E3

Quantic Dream’s Detroit: Become Human might end up getting a release date at Sony’s E3 2017 press conference, if some recent updates on social media are anything to go by.

While we already know that the game is supposed to be out sometime this year, the script for which David Cage finished last October, UK retailer GAME recently tweeted that those interested will be able to pre-order in stores starting this weekend. “Some really big games due for an update during the E3 weekend, one of them is Detroit: Become Human,” wrote the company.

Spotted by Wccftech, Quantic Dream posted an image on Facebook this past Thursday, which shows the team celebrating. As the website points out, the celebration might be hinting at something to do with the game’s completion since the developer’s anniversary is in December and there seems to be no other reason for a celebration at this specific time. When a reader questioned the same thing on Facebook, Quantic Dream laughed it off and neither confirmed nor denied anything.

To top it off, actor Bryan Dechart (who plays the role of Connor) seems to be teasing something on Twitter, asking fans to stay tuned for E3 and saying that he’s really looking forward to the event. He also re-tweeted fan requests for a release date at E3 alongside the following:

Given that Detroit: Become Human was announced almost two years ago at Paris Games Week, we’ll be a little surprised if we don’t get a release date on Monday during Sony’s presser.

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[Source: Wccftech]


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