mk11 sindel gameplay

Sindel’s Screams in Mortal Kombat 11 Are Deadlier Than Ever Before

As recently promised by Ed Boon, NetherRealm Studios started the day with gameplay footage of Sindel for Mortal Kombat 11. If you remember Sindel of the past as a deadly force to be reckoned with, wait until you see her in action now. Her screams alone are lethal beyond reason.

Get a good glimpse of Sindel in action in the following trailer for Mortal Kombat 11. Be sure to stick around until the end for her body-shattering Fatality.

Kombat Pass owners will gain access to Sindel on November 26th. Everyone else will be able to purchase her separately one week later. The Early Access for Kombat Pass owners also applies to the “Gothic Horror Skin Pack” and Cassie Cage’s “Klassic Cassie” skin. With the “Gothic Horror” set of skins, Raiden, Geras, and Cetrion are transformed into famous figures in horror. Raiden appears in the guise of Dracula, Geras takes on the role of Frankenstein’s monster, and Cetrion turns mummy. See all three transformations in the below image:

mk11 sindel gameplay

Once Sindel finally goes live, only two more characters will remain in Mortal Kombat 11’s Kombat Pack. Joker is expected to launch in late January 2020. Spawn will arrive several weeks later in March. Apart from teaser images, neither of the two remaining Kombat Pack characters have been shown in action.

Jury’s still out on whether a second Kombat Pack is in the works. It doesn’t seem too farfetched to assume the surprise Ed Boon recently teased could have something to do with another round of DLC characters, though.

Mortal Kombat 11 is in stores now for the PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, PC, and Xbox One platforms.