resident evil 7 sales numbers

Resident Evil 7 Sales Top Over 6 Million Units and Resident Evil 2 Hits 4.5 Million Copies Sold

Sales are still soaring for Capcom’s most recent Resident Evil titles. As of June 30, 2019, both Resident Evil 7, which launched in January 2017, and this year’s release of the Resident Evil 2 remake have sold exceptionally well. This is according to data recently added to Capcom’s “Platinum Titles” listings on one of the company’s websites.

As of June 30th, Resident Evil 7’s sales reached a grand total of 6.6 million units worldwide. What’s especially intriguing is that as of December 31, 2018, the title had sold through approximately 6.1 million copies. In just six months, then, a two year old game managed to move around 500,000 units. It is an impressive feat, no doubt.

On the Resident Evil 2 side of things, the remake’s sales numbers have also received an update. By June 30th, only six months after launch, the title topped 4.5 million units sold. This is interesting since the most recent update on Resident Evil 2’s sales data came from the NPD Group in July, which revealed the remake had surpassed four million in sales. At the very least, the Capcom listing provides a more finite number. Considering the title’s meteoric success, there is no telling where Resident Evil 2’s sales sit now.

Now fans of the horror franchise patiently await news on what Capcom has planned next. At present, the only bit of concrete information concerns the publisher’s recruitment of fans for a testing phase in Japan. What the testing will entail remains to be seen, though it does have something to do with an unannounced game. The call for “Resident Evil Ambassadors” suggests the new project is a Resident Evil entry.

With the success of RE2’s triumphant return, many are hoping Capcom will give similar treatment to Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. This certainly seems within the realm of possibility, as Producer Yoshiaki Hirabayashi once said high-demand could shift the needle in that direction. In addition, it appears as though Capcom hasn’t been shy in teasing such a project’s prospects.

[Source: Capcom via DSOGaming]